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WFSA (UK) is a charitable company registered in England and Wales (Charity Commission registration number 1166545) which aims to improve access to safe anaesthesia worldwide. The charity is primarily a grant-making organisation, with a focus on low-resource settings.

WFSA (UK) supports educational and related work undertaken by our partner organisation, the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists and others active in the global health field.

Donations to the charity’s “Fund A Colleague’s Education” campaign can be made tax-efficiently in the UK. UK taxpayers will have the opportunity for any donation to benefit from the Gift Aid scheme which boosts donations by 25%.

Strategic priorities

As outlined in its Strategy 2023-2028, WSFA (UK) has three core strategic priorities:

  1. Supporting educational efforts within anaesthesia and critical care in low-resource settings.
  2. Advancing public knowledge about the important role of anaesthesia and critical care within global health.
  3. Working with other organisations to improve the safety and quality of anaesthesia and critical care.


  • Dr Carolina Haylock Loor (Chair)
  • Dr Clare Roques (Treasurer)
  • Dr Kathleen Ferguson
  • Dr Emma Lillie
  • Dr Balavenkatasubramanian Jagannathan

WFSA (UK) audited accounts
