The Board
The Board is responsible for the management of the Federation according to the decisions of the General Assembly, taking account of the recommendations of the Council
The Council is the body in which representatives of all the Federation’s components (National Societies, Regions, Committees, WCA COC Chair) meet to discuss matters which concern the Federation as a whole.
The purpose of the WFSA Ambassador Group is to contribute – in an ambassadorial role – to WFSA’s mobilization of our global network of anaesthesiologists and Member Societies, especially strengthening engagement in their own countries and regions
Our Committees provide the main source of support, expertise and guidance for the WFSA’s programmes and activities. They are essential to delivery and commit thousands of hours of volunteer time to the WFSA every year.
The WFSA has a small Secretariat based across the UK and Europe with a wealth of expertise of in programme management, advocacy, fundraising, communications, digital education and volunteer management.