For the last 8 years as ATOTW’s Editor in Chief, Dr Maytinee Lilaonitkul has been the driving force in growing the reach and accessibility of this internationally renowned educational resource.
Marking the publication of the 500th edition of the tutorial, May is handing over the editorial reins to Dr Frankie Powell. Colleagues, friends, and readers discuss the impact of May’s time as ATOTW’s Editor-in-Chief.

Dr Wayne Morriss, WFSA President, New Zealand
“May’s contribution to ATOTW and anaesthesia education during her time as Editor-in-Chief has been immense.
Friends and colleagues around the world often tell me that ATOTW is an amazing resource. The tutorials are used by colleagues in high-income countries as well as countries with more limited resources. The tutorials cover important topics, are up-to-date, always well-structured, and practical. I’ve lost count of the number of times that trainees have told me that ATOTW was essential for their exam success.
Many thanks to the tireless team of volunteer writers and editors who make ATOTW possible.
Welcome to Dr Frankie Powell who is taking over from May as EIC. Many thanks to Frankie and the other members of the team – ATOTW is in good hands and will continue to play a vital role in global anaesthesia education”

Dr Jannicke Mellin-Olsen, Past WFSA President, Norway
“Thanks to Dr Maytinee Lilaonitkul and her commitment, the ATOTW has become what we hoped it would – a common tool for anaesthesia education worldwide.
The ATOTW is an easily accessible educational tool for all anaesthesia providers, providing useful knowledge and inspiration even if the necessary tools for that clinical situation might not be available in all settings.”

Dr Faye Evans, Chair of WFSA Education Committee, USA
“As both the Chair of Education and one of the pediatric editors for ATOTW I have had the privilege of working with Maytinee directly during her tenure as Editor-in-Chief.
She has done an amazing job both continuing the tradition of open-access educational tutorials for a variety of anesthesia specialties and anesthesiologists from high-, middle-, and low-income countries and also expanding their reach. Her energy and passion for ATOTW will be greatly missed.”

Dr Suresh Pradhan, Lecturer and ATOTW reader, Pokhara, Nepal
“I feel lucky to have been selected to celebrate ATOTW and the work of its editorial team. I really like ATOTW because it provides a bird’s eye view of the topic, making it easier to learn and understand the subject. I’m hoping to celebrate many more ATOTW milestones.”

Dr Petramay Attard Cortis, Consultant Anaesthetist and ATOTW reader, Malta
“ATOTW is a great resource for CME, particularly for updated anaesthesiology knowledge in areas that are not my fields of expertise. I like that it’s easy to search, and that a certificate on passing the quiz is provided to add to my CME portfolio. ATOTW is a very helpful resource – it is regular, succinct, and reinforces learning through the online quiz.
I regularly recommend ATOTW to my residents and encourage them to upload certificates to their training portfolio as evidence of high-quality, self-directed CME activities.”