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Pay Membership Dues

The WFSA allows member societies and their members many benefits designed to encourage learning and engagement within the anaesthesia community in order to promote our speciality and improve access to educational materials. The WFSA is already made up of 141 member societies representing more than 150 countries, so why not join our incredible network?

For 2024, WFSA member societies pay US$4.10 for each of their individual members

Please note: individuals can not become members of WFSA – if you are a member of a national society, you already benefit from WFSA membership

Top 3 individual highlights:

  • Eligibility to participate in subspecialty training through the WFSA Fellowship Programme.
  • Eligibility to apply for a WFSA Scholarship to attend a regional congress or the WCA.
  • Eligibility to serve on the WFSA Board, Council and Committees and contribute to improving patient care worldwide.

Top 3 Member Society highlights:

  • Advocacy on behalf of anaesthesiologists at WHO and government level, including official statements and letters of support for member societies.
  • Connection with a global network of member societies.
  • Able to participate in WFSA elections and influence the strategic direction of the organisation.

The WFSA also provides a wealth of information including international standards in anaesthesia, recommended reading, a resource area, a directory of member societies, a diary of events in anaesthesiology, a full description of our global programmes and more.

Constitution and Governance resources for well-functioning national societies

If your country or society is not represented find out more about membership. For those interested in setting up a Society, you can download a Member Society Constitution template.  

The Characteristics of a Well-Functioning National Society can be downloaded here in English and Spanish

The Well-Functioning National Society Questionnaire can be downloaded in English

Please contact our Memberships Officer (in English, French and Spanish) on memberships@wfsahq.org for more information.
