Member Resources
WFSA Newsletters
Member Societies receive a monthly member society mailout from our Memberships Manager in English, French and Spanish. View the Member mailout archive.
Every quarter we also send out the WFSA Newsletter. This is packed with our latest activities and highlights, as well as the latest Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week (ATOTW) straight to your inbox.
Sign-Up to the WFSA Newsletter
Constitution and Governance resources for well-functioning national societies
Our members are our strength. 140 Societies representing anaesthesiologists from 150 countries are members of WFSA. If your country or society is not already part of WFSA, find out more about membership.
For those interested in setting up a Society, you can download a Member Society Constitution template.
Characteristics of a well-functioning national society
The ‘Characteristics of a Well-Functioning National Society’ can be downloaded here in English and Spanish.
The ‘Well-Functioning National Society Questionnaire’ can be downloaded in English. This is a valuable tool for self-assessment and can help to guide a National Society with its own organisational development and strengthening.
Useful Resources
SAFE Online
SAFE Online is our newest development, providing alternative models of SAFE course delivery, including interactive e-learning through our SAFE Online learning management system and interactive online discussions, with fully online and hybrid options of delivery
e-SAFE is an online an educational tool to support the education, training and continuing professional development of those who are responsible for delivering safe anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine in resource poor environments.
e-SAFE now contains over 100 interactive e-learning sessions from the RCoA’s e-Learning Anaesthesia programme, AAGBI e-learning sessions and additional video tutorials from the University Hospital Southampton. WFSA and Oxford University Press have granted permission to include back copies of Update in Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week and Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain.
For those who do not internet access e-SAFE provides USBs containing all the educational resources. It will run on PC and Mac computers and can be copied to your hard disk. We hope you will find the material on the USB stick of interest and that it will assist you in the delivery of care to your patients.
Should you require a USB copy of the resource, please make the request via email including your postal address.