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Past Webinars

Webinar titleTheme/groupDateLanguageRecording
Inspiring change: Women leading the future of anaesthesia and scienceInternational Day of Women and Girls in Science2025EnglishWatch recording
WCA2026: Paediatric Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia: From Basics to Global Surgical ProgrammesWorld Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20262025EnglishWatch Recording
Journal Club - Fluid strategies in paediatric anaesthesiaWFSA Paediatric anaesthesia Committee2025EnglishWatch recording
Applying P-PBM principles in paediatricsP-PBM Working Group2025EnglishWatch recording
Anaesthesiology in Health Emergencies: Essential Emergency and Critical CareAnnual Theme 20252025EnglishWatch recording
Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS: What's New? A tribute to Prof. Luciano GattinoniWFSA Intensive and Critical Care Committee2024EnglishWatch recording
WCA2026: Regional Anaesthesia: Papers That Changed My PracticeWorld Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20262024EnglishWatch Recording
WCA2026: General anaesthesia for caesarean delivery: current role & best practicesWorld Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20262024EnglishWatch Recording
WCA2026: Challenging Airways: Management UpdateWorld Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20262024EnglishWatch Recording
Enhancing Workforce Well-being Advocate, Collaborate, Educate and MentorAnnual Theme 2024/ World Anaesthesia Day 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
Webinaire: Journée mondiale de l'anesthésie 2024: Améliorer le bien-être des travailleursAnnual Theme 2024/ World Anaesthesia Day 20242024FrenchWatch Recording
Webinar: Día Mundial de la Anestesia 2024 - Mejorar el bienestar de los trabajadoresAnnual Theme 2024/ World Anaesthesia Day 20242024SpanishWatch Recording
World Anaesthesia Day - Yoga for well-beingAnnual Theme 2024/ World Anaesthesia Day 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Improving Outcomes WFSA Intensive and Critical Care Committee2024EnglishWatch Recording
Haemostasis management in the perioperative period: Old habits die hardP-PBM Working Group2024EnglishWatch Recording
WCA2026 Main Clinical Events in Anaesthesia and Critical CareWCA 20262024EnglishWatch Recording
Making patients safer: Improving the diagnosis of anaemia in patient blood management programmesWorld Patient Safety Day 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
The ageing anaesthesiologist: we need a strategyAnnual Theme 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
Le vieillissement de l'anesthésiste : nous avons besoin d'une stratégieAnnual Theme 20242024FrenchWatch Recording
El anestesiólogo que envejece: necesitamos una estrategiaAnnual Theme 20242024SpanishWatch Recording
WCA2024 HighlightsWorld Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20242024FrenchWatch Recording
WCA2024 HighlightsWorld Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20242024SpanishWatch Recording
Highlights from WCA2024World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
Transformando la cirugía, obstetrícia y anestesia en América Latina: NSOAPs como estrategia efectivaNSOAPs2024SpanishWatch Recording
Fighting Fatigue Together: Prioritizing Workforce Well-being for Enhanced Patient SafetyFighting Fatigue Together2024EnglishWatch Recording
Combatir juntos la fatiga para mejorar la seguridad del paciente Fighting Fatigue Together2024SpanishWatch Recording
Lutter ensemble contre la fatigueFighting Fatigue Together2024FrenchWatch Recording
Principales conclusiones del WCA 2024World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20242024SpanishWatch Recording
Principaux enseignements du WCA 2024World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20242024FrenchWatch Recording
Key takeaways from WCA 2024World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
Why Well-Being Now? Annual Theme 20242024EnglishWatch Recording
¿Por qué el bienestar de los trabajadores ahora?Annual Theme 20242024SpanishWatch Recording
Global Access to Cancer Pain Relief: Progress and ChallengesAnnual Theme 2023 / WFSA Pain Committee2023EnglishWatch Recording
Managing Acute Pain: A Call to Action WFSA Pain Committee2023EnglishWatch Recording
Anaesthesia and Cancer Care, World Anaesthesia Day 2023Annual Theme 20232023EnglishWatch Recording
Unrelieved Cancer Pain - A Global CrisisAnnual Theme 2023 / WFSA Pain Committee2023EnglishWatch Recording
El Dolor del Cáncer que no se Alivia - Una Crisis Global Annual Theme 2023 / WFSA Pain Committee2023SpanishWatch Recording
Women's Experience in Anaesthesia - Reflections from the Operating Room International Women's Day 20232023EnglishWatch Recording
L'expérience des Femmes en Anesthésie - réflexions de la salle d'opérationInternational Women's Day 20232023FrenchWatch Recording
La experiencia de la mujer en anestesia, reflexiones desde el quirófanoInternational Women's Day 20232023SpanishWatch Recording
