On the 16th October anaesthesia providers the world over took to social media to celebrate their profession and have a bit of fun whilst doing it.
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SAFE Obstetrics training in Cambodia
Anaesthesia providers from across Cambodia convened in Phnom Penh’s Calmette Hospital for the second SAFE Obstetrics course delivered from the 30th September to 3rd October 2019. 24 participants representing five Cambodian health facilities were supported by local and international clinician faculty members from Thailand and the United Kingdom.
UHC and improved patient care through safe anesthesia – 71st PAHO Summit
Why improving access to SAFE surgery and anaesthesia is vital to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGS) and improving patient care was at the core of statements and recommendations made by WFSA at the 71 st Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) Summit.
Strengthening anaesthesia provision in Tanzania
With less than 50 physician-level anaesthesiologists to cover a population of over 58 million Tanzania, like many countries, has a severe shortage of trained anaesthesia providers. This is especially evident when seen in the light of the WHO-WFSA International Standards for a Safe Practice of Anesthesia which highly-recommends a minimum of 5 anaesthesia providers per 100,000 people. Tanzania makes up for this shortfall through the use of non-physician anaesthesia providers to deliver the majority of anaesthesia provision.
Embedding SAFE surgery and anaesthesia into Universal Health Coverage: WFSA at the UN
At the UN General Assembly last week governments committed to landmark agreement on Universal Health Coverage, pledging to help all people access health services. The commitment came in the form of a political statement on UHC which included reference to building essential surgery capacities as a means to reach the sustainable development goals.
World Patient Safety Day – 17 September 2019
The Association of Anaesthetists and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) welcome the announcement of the first World Patient Safety Day on 17 September 2019. This new annual event, announced by the World Health Organisation at the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva, sets patient safety as a new global health priority. World Patient Safety Day provides a focus on improving safety standards and will help us further promote safe and high quality anaesthesia globally.