WFSA Council Member, Prof. Sheila Myatra highlights the centrality of anaesthesiologists to efforts to realise universal health coverage plans within the South-East Asian region.
News Category: Asia
In Memoriam: Professor Qing Chen Jin (1930-2022)
The Chinese Society of Anaesthesiology announces the passing of esteemed anaesthesiologist, Professor Qing Chen JIN.
WFSA Statement on Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies
WFSA’s statement at the Special Session of the World Health Assembly on preparedness and response to health emergencies. The statement highlights the centrality of anaesthesia’s role in responding to global health emergencies.
WCA 2021 Round Up
An enormous thank you to the 6539 delegates from 132 countries who made WCA2021 such a unique and valuable networking and learning experience.
Celebrate Teamwork on World Anaesthesia Day 2021
Every year on 16th October, anaesthesia professionals the world over celebrate and highlight the vital role that anaesthesia plays in global health.