Member Information
The Romanian Society of Anaesthesia – Intensive Care
Address: The Romanian Society of Anaesthesia – Intensive Care. 20A Răspântiilor, loft, office 2, district 2, Bucharest, 020548, Romania
Email: presedinte@sraticongres.ro
Website: Societatea Română de Anestezie şi Terapie Intensivă
Facebook: Congres SRATI | Facebook
Instagram: SRATI (@srati.ro) • Instagram photos and videos
Phone: +40 21 – 210 58 14
President: Prof Serban-Ion Bubenek-Turconi
Secretary: Dr Ovidiu Bedreag
Treasurer: Dr Florentina Matache
Other Members of the Governing Board: Prof Dorel Sandesc, First Vice-president / Prof Ion Chesov, Second Vice-president
Members: 698
Preferred Language: English
Year Joined: 1968
Region: Europe
Anaesthesia Workforce Data
Density of Physician Anaesthesia Providers per 100,000 Population