Member Information
Association of Anaesthesiologists of Mauritius
Address: Association of Anaesthesiologists of Mauritius. 51, Vishnu Kchetra street, Port Louis
Phone: +23059150326
Website: http://www.aamauritius.net/
President: Dr Veekash Gobin
Email: dr.gobin@hotmail.com
Secretary: Dr Vishaal Kissoon
Email: vishq5@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Dr Ameer Kumar Ancharaz
Email: ameer35@hotmail.com
Other members of the Governing Board:
Dr. Diyaa Mangoo
Dr. Kushal Ramkalawan
Dr. Ritish Woodun
Dr. Shehzaad Joomye
Members: 46
Preferred Language: English
Year Joined: 1992
Region: Africa and the Middle East
Anaesthesia Workforce Data
Density of Physician Anaesthesia Providers per 100,000 Population