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Member Information

Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Anestesiología

Address: Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Anestesiología. Edificio OPAL en la calle Juan Diguja Oe2-66 entre Veracruz y Vozandes 5to Piso – Oficina #505


Facebook: Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Anestesiologia
Instagram: sea.anestesia

Phone: +593 999898442

President: Dr. Hamilton Jotyin Lama Tapia

Secretary: Dr. Glenn Franco Vega Jaramillo

Treasurer: Dr. Mauricio Sebastián García Ramos

Other members: Dr. Xavier Raúl Mantilla Pinto

Members: 246

Preferred Language: Spanish/English

Year Joined: 1964

Region: Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands

Anaesthesia Workforce Data

  • PAP Density: 1.8
  • Population: 16,144,000
  • Physicians: 25,277
  • Physician anaesthesia providers: 290
  • Surgeons: 5,461
  • Nurse anaesthesia providers: 0
  • Other anaesthesia providers: 0
  • No. of physician providers that have an anaesthetic qualification: 200
  • Minimum duration of training (years) for physician anaesthesia providers: 4
  • Typical duration of training (years) for nurse anaesthesia providers: 0
  • Typical duration of training (years) for non physician / non-nurse anaesthesia providers: 0