Member Information
Croatian Society of Anaesthesiology, Reanimathology and Intensive Medicine (HDARIM)
Address: Croatian Society of Anaesthesiology, Reanimathology and Intensive Medicine (HDARIM). Hrvatsko Društvo Za Anesteziologiju, Reanimatologiju I Intenzivnu Medicinu (Hdarim)
Kispaticeva 12, 10000 Zagreb
Email: hdail@hdail.hr
Website: http://www.hdail.hr
Phone: +38 512367754
President: Višnja Ivančan, MD, PhD
Secretary: Dr. Nataša Kovač
Treasurer: Renata Curić Radivojević, MD
Members: 200
Preferred Language: English
Year Joined: 1992
Region: Europe
Anaesthesia Workforce Data
Density of Physician Anaesthesia Providers per 100,000 Population