Member Information
Société Congolaise d’Anesthésie Réanimation Urgences (SOCARU) – Republic of Congo – Brazzaville –
Address: SOCARU – Société Congolaise d’Anesthésie Réanimation Urgences. s/c CHU de Brazzaville – Service de Réanimation. Brazzaville. 00000 Republic of Congo
President: Biez Ulrich Judicael
Vice President: René Soussa Gadoua
Members: 20
Preferred Language: French
Year Joined: 2012
Region: Africa and the Middle East
Anaesthesia Workforce Data
- PAP Density: 0.19
- Population: 4,620,000
- Physicians: 401
- Physician anaesthesia providers: 9
- Surgeons: 43
- Nurse anaesthesia providers: No data
- Other anaesthesia providers: 0
- No. of physician providers that have an anaesthetic qualification: 0
- Minimum duration of training (years) for physician anaesthesia providers: 0
- Typical duration of training (years) for nurse anaesthesia providers: 0
- Typical duration of training (years) for non physician / non-nurse anaesthesia providers: 0