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Member Information

Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Anestesia, Analgesia y Reanimación

Address: Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Anestesia, Analgesia y Reanimación. Fragata Pte. Sarmiento N° 541
(1405) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina


Instagram: faaaarfederacion
Twitter: anestesiafaaaar

Phone: +54 9 11 2492-5000

President: Dr. Heber Escudero Fernández

Secretary General: Dr. Hernán Montenegro

Secretary of Proceedings and Publications: Dr. Laura Antonella Aurilio Ponce

Secretary of Finance: Dr. Claudio Alberto Tartaglia Pulcini

Scientific Secretary: Dr. Nanci del Valle Biondini

Scientific Undersecretary:
Dr. Ramiro Piérola

Secretary of Trade Union Affairs:
Dr. Carlos Alberto Marcheschi

Undersecretary of Trade Union Affairs: Dr. Sergio Muñoz

Secretary of Human Resources: Dr. Fernando Rioja

Undersecretary of Human Resources: Dr. Martín Meriño

1st Member: Dr. Nicolás Sergi

2nd Member: Dr. Juan José Contrera

3rd Member: Dr. Daniel Alejandro Acosta

Substitute Member: Dr. Héctor Esteban Gómez Gatica

Members: 4877 Active
Honorary and Lifetime members: 661

Preferred Language: Spanish

Year Joined: 1955

Region: Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands

The history of anaesthesia in Argentina can be explored in FAAAAR’s virtual museum:



Anaesthesia Workforce Data

  • PAP Density: 12.68
  • Population: 43,417,000
  • Physicians: 160,041
  • Physician anaesthesia providers: 4,760
  • Surgeons: 6,000
  • Nurse anaesthesia providers: 0
  • Other anaesthesia providers: 0
  • No. of physician providers that have an anaesthetic qualification: 4,010
  • Minimum duration of training (years) for physician anaesthesia providers: 4
  • Typical duration of training (years) for nurse anaesthesia providers: 0
  • Typical duration of training (years) for non physician / non-nurse anaesthesia providers: 0